The Best Bronzer for indoor tanning

The First 100X Strength Bronzer!

I would have to say that the best bronzer on the market right now, at the time of me writing this post, is BlackOut 100XTM Bronzing Emulsion. With it's Advanced Bronzing Tanning technology it beats out all the competition! BlackOut 100X contains an exclusive blend of Superior Vitamin Enriched Bronzers, Botanical Extracts and Exotic Oils to achieve the Deepest Bronze Tan! It is said to produce incredible results.

I have a lighter complexion, one that can get red easily, because of that I personally favor bronzer tanning bed lotions over any other type because it gives you that deep, dark brown color that we all desire.

True Bronzing technology:
* Perfect Blend of Bronzers

* Exotic Natural Oils & Extracts

* Superior Tan Technology


*100X Bronzing Emulsion

*Vitamin Enriched Bronzers

*Botanical Extracts and Exotic Oils

*Skin Rejuvenation and Moisturization Formula

*True Bronzer Technology

BlackOut 100X Contains botanical extracts and exotic oils that will leverage your natural tanning glow and intensify your tan. These extracts also play a crucial part in replenishing your skin to make you feel soft and supple. Your complexion will experience a dark boost in color along with essential moisturization required for a great healthy tan!

I hope this post inspired you. If you decide to go with this awesome bronzer indoor tanning lotion I don't think you'll be disappointed. Good Luck in all your tanning adventures!